Frank Recruitment Group launches ‘Frankly FRG,’ podcast series

Frank Recruitment Group has taken bold steps to further engage with employees by launching a podcast series ‘Frankly FRG.’ To keep up with the ever-changing times of remote working, there was no better time to launch a new digital outlet for employees to listen to and be heard.

Episode one, “YOU are not alone: The Importance of Mental Health” with Ashley Smith, Senior Client Manager, and hosted by Rachel Sirett, Employee Engagement Executive, was released on July 9th, 2020. In episode one, Ashley talks candidly about his personal experience with his own mental health and provides helpful tips and techniques that can be utilized in and out of the workplace.

“Over recent months, I felt the urge that if I shared my story it could hopefully inspire and support individuals battling mental health issues, but I didn’t know how,” Ashley Smith explained. “I am so glad Frank Recruitment Group has given my voice a platform with the Frankly FRG podcast to share my experience and tips in managing my mental health. I hope listeners can take away ideas and find solace in what I have to say.”

The Frankly FRG podcast is designed for anyone looking to hear a story or learn something new. Episodes are released on a fortnightly basis and accessible 24/7 in the Spotify and iTunes library to be listened to at your leisure. To listen to episode one, type ‘Frankly FRG’ into the Spotify or iTunes search bar.

Episode two will cover ‘Failing Better: How we really learn from our mistakes,’ with Rosie Ifould Senior Bid Manager, and Sara Chandran, CEO of Fresh and Fearless, discussing why – and how – we can all learn to fail mindfully in order to be more successful.

“My first week at Frank Recruitment Group was quite inspiring. My schedule was packed with training sessions and sprints to ramp up, but I noticed that our leadership puts employee wellness first,” said Chris Dipsia, Executive Consultant. “Across many industries today, this period may require structural changes and strategic guidance.

“At Frank Recruitment Group, it seems that decisions are made by prioritizing the experiences and situations of us who are out in the field. For example, a weekly podcast featuring interviews with employees, engaging with the company globally, to discuss topics that a lot of companies turn a blind eye to, like mental health.

“I was floored the night before my first day to listen to such an open forum of support – you just don’t see that a lot yet unfortunately, especially with sales organizations.

“It’s comforting to know which side my leadership is on, and it’s easier to remain focused and energized with that system in practice.”

The Employee Engagement team invites interested staff members to host their own podcast. All background work will be maintained by the team, simply come with an idea and we will make it come to life! If you are interested in hosting or being interviewed for an upcoming podcast, please email

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