Frank Recruitment Group completes Go Beyond Global Challenge—Around the World in 50 Days

Earlier this year, Frank Recruitment Group employees set out to complete the Around the World in 50 Days fitness challenge, with the goal of going around the world by biking, walking, running, skiing, and more.

The initiative was set to boost the mental and physical health of employees by encouraging them to take time out, step away from the screen, and have fun whilst connecting with colleagues. All staff were invited to join, with over 600 employees signing up across a total of 60 teams.

The challenge began and ended in Irvine, California, with progress tracked on Challenge Hound where employees were able to see their colleagues’ milage in real-time, creating great competition across the globe!
Our amazing employees blew our expectations out of the park, going around the globe not just once, but twice.

Congratulations to the top five ranking teams!

1st — Far and Wide Facilities led by Claudia Bissmire, Office Manager, London

2nd — Witness the Fitness led by James Lloyd Townsend, CEO of Frank Recruitment Group, London

3rd — fIT led by Catherine Goodwin, IT Team Leader, Newcastle

Fourth place — Wellbeing Warriors led by Zoe Morris, President of Frank Recruitment Group, London

Fifth place — (H)eart (R)ate Rackers led by Rachel Sirett, Senior Employee Engagement Executive, Scottsdale

The full leaderboard can be found on our Instagram page @frankrecruitmentgroup.

We would also like to extend a massive shout-out to Simon Anthony Tatters, Head of Facilities in London for completing 1,883 miles in 50 days. Amazing effort Simon!

Thanks to all Frank Recruitment Group, Revolent, and Rebura employees for taking part in the Go Beyond Challenge, coming together as a business to support employee wellbeing.

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